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Re: Don't Call Me Skinny! (Snarl! December, 1997)
From: Katherine Tatis

Thank you Tracy Johnson for telling it like it really is in December's Snarl of the Month "Don't Call Me Skinny". I am 5' 7" and have been 97-100 lbs for ten years. I am just so tired of hearing the crap from other people. "Oh how do you stay so skinny!" and getting dirty looks from heavier women in the dressing rooms. Introducing me as "my friend the anorexic" Sheesh! Enough is enough!

Re: Don't Call Me Skinny! (Snarl! December, 1997)
From: Nikki Friedland

Its great to know that Im not the only who thinks being skinny sucks!!I thought I was a weirdo...Iv always been skinny, I can't help it!! I try to gain weight. Im 18, 5'2 and I weigh 98pounds.
Anyway it was a great story.

Re: Don't Call Me Skinny! (Snarl! December, 1997)
From: Elizabeth Bonney

I don't understand why so many people equate "thin" with "beautiful." I get this same crap too -- people are so "You must be anorexic!" and my relatives are "Eat, eat!" I eat plenty! I am not starving on celery and water -- I'm happy on caffeine and sugar. And none of this changes the fact that my face is no prettier than most of the other girls and I'm no more graceful, either. I know "skinny" is *not* an indicator of beauty and so do they. If it were, I'd be a happier person.

Re: Disintegration (December, 1997)
From: Becca Lambert

Thank you, thank you, thank you for publishing "Disintegration". I have felt that way-- not those same exact situations, but the same emotions and it's so easy to fear that you are losing your mind or your humanity or both. Thank you for writing with such bravery and honesty!

Re: Medusa (December, 1997)
From: Jessica B.

I understand what you're getting at in this piece, but I have to say that I wear heavy punky makeup and have teased and dyed hair and I don't feel like I'm hiding from society! I'm trying to stand out in a world where everybody wants me to blend in! Get to know people for who they are instead of making assumptions based on what they look like.
But aside from that, I had fun reading your description of the french couple on the plane. They sound like some friends of mine!

Re: Gay marriage (Snarl! November, 1997)
From: Luise Schonbeck

Hi! I just wanted to say that I think that of course gay people should have the right to marry! I'm not gay myself, but here in Sweden, were I live, gay people can marry eachother since a few years, legally and so.

[shakespeare's sister] [life goes on] [the lunchladies]
[hairy legs] [home cooked meal] [in your hands] [all night]